A huge smile from a warm quilt given on a cold day

How to find a smile – just add a quilt

I have some wonderful ladies who make quilts for my friends living outdoors.  This is a picture, posted with permission, of what happens when you give a dry, warm quilt to someone on a cold winter’s day.  I love that…

One person's winter sleeping sight with a "Tropical Cafe" sign

Humor helps (I hope)

Luke and I saw this while delivering hot chocolate and coffee on a very cold morning. It was damp and darn near freezing, and the wind wasn’t helping. One of our friends spent the night under this sign. It gave…

I didn’t know what to say

A few days ago we were on the streets greeting people with coffee and hot chocolate in the early morning. It’s my favorite hour of the entire week. So many wonderful people and stories. And no way to predict what’s…